Article 2022 - 2023Staff Orientation Programme“The Best June for NEW Beginnings is Now!" The academic year 2022-2023 began with a Prayer Service conducted by our dear Sisters and followed the introduction of the new staff members. The speaker for the day was Fr. Trevor and his topic was “AN ACT OF COMMITMENT CAN TRANSFORM A PROMISE into REALITY”. Google Meet with Director, Department for the Empowerment of Differently Abled and Senior Citizens Google Meet with Director, Department for the Empowerment of Differently Abled and Senior Citizens - Under the department of 1982 Grant- in- Code, 34 Special Schools in Karnataka who gets aid through Zilla Panchayath had Google meet at 3:00 p.m. under the leadership of Director, Department for the Empowerment of Differently Abled and Senior Citizens, along with all the District Welfare Officers, Women and Child Welfare Departments. They discussed the required documents for HRMS (Human Resources Management System), and the progress of the school. Sr. Madhuja and Mrs. Renita Souza attended the conference on online. The speaker for the day was Dr. Niranjan Aradhya, an Educationist and an Activist. His topic was precisely based on the need of the hour, ‘BRIDGING THE GAP’, ‘HANDLING THE SOCIAL MEDIA GENERATION’ AND ‘PANDEMIC PEDAEGOGIAL PRACTICES’. Julie Day Special AssemblyThe Special Assembly on St. Julie Day was hosted by the Duchene building in the auditorium. Sr. Mary Chetana, the Provincial Superior of the Visitation Province graced the occasion. The Special prayer assembly was well presented against a colourful stage. The life history of St. Julie prepared through the shadow play, set the perfect tone for the day. The step decors were amazing and one can’t miss out mentioning the PERFECT HARMONY OF THE CHOIR. The staff and students alike enjoyed the sumptuous snack treat. MAY THE BLESSINGS OF THIS DAY CONTINUE TO KEEP THE SOPHIA FLAME ABLAZE. Independence DayFLAG HOISTING CEREMONY To commemorate the 75th Independence Day the flag hoisting ceremony took place at 8:00 a.m. with great patriotic fervour and zeal. The Sophia family witnessed the unfurling of the flag by the Chief Guest Dr. Sabu A. Joseph. The musical ensemble of the Sophia High School Brass Band and the parade by the NCC cadets set the perfect tone for the day. CULTURAL PROGRAMME A cultural programme was organised by the Mater building, in our school auditorium. Dr. Sabu A. Joseph, the Chief Guest and the Guest of Honour Sr. Mary Chetana, the Provincial Superior of the Visitation Province, graced the occasion. The cultural event was based on the IPL Cricket connected to the particular states' folk dance, with the theme, ONE FLAG, ONE LAND, ONE HEART. The cultural event ended with the Chief Guest's address. Teachers' Day Celebrationhe management of Sophia, the Principals along, with the Student Council, organized the Teachers' Day Celebration in grandeur. The teachers were ushered from the Duchesne hall and the function took place in the auditorium. The entire campus, inclusive of the classroom and the buildings were grandly decorated. The programme commenced with the lighting of the lamp and a Prayer Service. The classes of the various buildings, under the leadership of the Student Council Leaders, had organized a fantabulous cultural programme. The students of our school were part of the Prayer Service and gave an entertainment dance as well. The day ended on a happy note, with a sumptuous lunch and the management greatly appreciated the teachers for their immense contribution to the institution. Workers' Day CelebrationSophia celebrated Workers Day on the open stone stage, against a colourful backdrop and the Leans building coordinated the entire programme. As Sophia, tradition holds, the celebration began with the ‘Prayer Service, student representatives from all the buildings were part of it and the Mater choir sang, integrated with a few students from Sophia Opportunity School. Two of the support staff who have retired were felicitated Mrs. Ubagara Mary and Mrs. Mala S. The entertainment was staged by all the buildings and the programme ended with the felicitation of the entire maintenance staff and group photo. Principal’s Day‘YOU ARE A RAINBOW IN OUR LIFE’ The Sophia Family hosted the Principal’s Day celebration with the above theme. A day set aside to honour our three dear Principals and to acknowledge their dedicated services and meticulous management to keep the Sophia flame ablaze. The programme began with the Prayer Service followed by entertainment from each building, our Leans students set the stage on fire as usual. The day ended on a happy note with a fellowship meal with our three dear Principals in the Duchesne hall. IDPD- International Day of Persons with DisabilitiesRESPECT! REINFORCE! REJUVENATE! Centred around the above theme, IDPD was observed in our school with great zeal and enthusiasm. An awareness programme was staged through entertainment that portrayed the different categories of Special Children studying in Sophia Opportunity School. As Sophia tradition holds the programme began with a Prayer Service, at the arrival of the Chief Guest, Mrs, Revathi Kumaran, the Principal of F.A.M.E. (Foundation for Action Motivation Empowerment) India and the Guest of Honour, Sr. Mary Chetana, provincial Superior of the Sisters of Notre Dame, Visitation Province. The most awaited part was the entertainment which touched the very emotional chord of the audience present. The different categories of children namely Down’s Syndrome, Attention Deficit Hyperactive dis-ORDER, Learning dis-ABILITY and Intellectual dis-ABILITY, staged a fashion show, drama, yoga, dance, karate and fusion choreographies respectively. The ultimate take-home message was ‘Let the sympathy disappear from our eyes and may RESPECT appear. May the abilities of the Special Children be REINFORCED to promote a REJUVENATED life.The programme came to a successful end with the Chief Guest’s address and thetheme of the day came to a full circle. RESPECT! REINFORCE! REJUVENATE! Open Day Prayer AssemblyThe Staff Council arranged the “Open Day Assembly” against a colourful backdrop on the open stage. The theme was ‘TODAY A READER, TOMORROW A LEADER. Parents workshop/Orientation“AT THE END OF THE DAY, THE MOST OVERWHELMING KEY TO A CHILD’S SUCCESS IS THE POSITIVE INVOLVEMENT OF PARENTS – Jane D. HULL Our Principal, Sr. Madhuja, had organized a parenting workshop and an orientation programme to guide the parents and encourage them to positively involve with their children. This enabled us to kick start the academic year 2022-2023 on a positive note. The meet began with a Prayer Service conducted by Sr. Madhuja and the intentions read by our students. The spokesperson for the day was Mrs. Revathy Kumaran, Principal of F.A.M.E. (Foundation for Action Motivation Empowerment) India, an expert in the field of Special Education and Rehabilitation. The workshop was followed by the orientation of Dance by Mr. Venghal Rao and Karate by Mr. Joseph respectively. Apart from the above mentioned spokespersons the other guests included Mr. Santhiya Fernando, Special Educator and Mr. Johnston, Physiotherapist, also from F.A.M.E. (Foundation for Action Motivation Empowerment) India. All the delegates present were honoured with a Souvenir, released during the recent Golden Jubilee celebration of the Special School. The day ended with the distribution of the refreshments. And the parents left the campus, with the realization that, ‘HOME IS THE FIRST SCHOOL AND PARENTS ARE THE FIRST TEACHERS’. Inauguration of the Disabled Friendly ParkAn exclusive play park for Special Children was inaugurated by our Honorable Governor Mr. Thaawar Chand Gehlot. A few staff and student representatives from Sophia Opportunity School witnessed the inauguration and were part of this great endeavour. The hospitality rendered to us by Mindtree Pvt. Company Members were overwhelming. Our Special Students liked the distribution of wind sheeters and enjoyed the sumptuous snacks. Thus we can rightly conclude by saying ‘NEVER IGNORE SOMEBODY WITH A DISABILITY, YOU DON’T REALISE HOW MUCH THEY CAN INSPIRE YOU’. Christmas Celebration at Leans"Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas." - Calvin Coolidge Christmas wishing took place in the Sophia Opportunity School. The melodious voices echoed in the building as the staff and students sang a few carols. All the students enjoyed wishing each other. All the students were happy and excited to see Santa, and a few of them were scared too. Christmas Celebration at Sophia Auditorium CHRISTMAS ALL YEAR LONG! A Special Assembly was hosted by the Julie building on 21st December to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ. The children gathered in the auditorium dressed in Christmassy colours (red, green and white). With the festive spirit in the air, the programme began. The backdrop decors, crib, fir tree and light effects stole the show. The programme ended with a motivational speech by the Principal and Carol singing by the Sophia High School choir. A sumptuous spread of lunch was served in the Duchene hall and the day ended on a happy note. "Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love." - Hamilton Wright Mabie Staff PicnicOuting with the staff In honour of Teacher’s Day and in recognition of the dedicated work of the staff, Sophia had organized a staff picnic at an Odyssey Resort on Kanakapura Road. Apart from relaxation and enjoyment the picnic also aimed at building up a team spirit among the staff. The journey to the resort by bus was an enjoyable one. On reaching the venue breakfast was served followed by the fun and games that included, housie etc. After a sumptuous lunch and tea we left the venue with much excitement and gratitude, It was indeed a memorable day to unwind oneself and get rejuvenated. National Handwriting and Colouring ContestA Nationwide handwriting and colouring contest was conducted in honour ofthe 75 th Anniversary of Indian Independence. It was an initiative by the Students Development Society and our school was a proud participant of the same. A total of over 90+ students actively participated and enjoyed this different experience, as their respective class teachers conducted the contest. The handwriting contest was conducted on July 19th and the colouring on July 20th. The worksheets were collected and were sent to the concerned authorities, through courier. Sophia Annual Junior Sports MeetIf there is one field of life that moulds our character, it is SPORTS. The most anticipated day of the year was conducted for two days to monitor the crowd. On both days our children were part of the event, from the opening ceremony through the closing. The theme of our display was ‘TIRANGA’ and our nursery children also gave a ‘novelty item’ Day I The sports meet began with a Prayer Service on the arrival of the chief guest, Mrs. Tara Muniyappa, a former teacher of Sophia High School. The pre- primary parents gathered against the ambience of the sports complex with the ensemble of the Junior Brass Band integrated with a few of our Special Students, and the sports day I was a grand success. Track events display drills, and all novelty items depicted the theme – 75th Indian Independence. Day II Day II was almost in the same order as the previous one, with slight changes, the Primary parents were part of the audience. The chief guest for the day was Maj. Ramya Venkat ASC Centre and Guest of Honour, Sr. M. Chetana SND, Provincial Superior of the Visitation Province. Parents DayGolden Jubilee Extravaganza, The Lion King “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a SINGLE STEP!” Sophia Opportunity School celebrated (their Annual Day on the 11th of February 2023 in honour of the Golden Jubilee, by paying tribute to Sr. Mary Joelle, the Founder Principal and as tradition holds the dignitaries lighted the oil lamp. The occasion was graced by Ms. Santhi Karamcheti, the Special Educator and Cofounder of Eka Educational Charitable Trust, the Chief Guest, Sr. Mary Chetana S.N.D., the Provincial Superior of the Sisters of Notre Dame, Our Lady of the Visitation Province as the Guest of Honour, the Sisters of Notre Dame, Principals, invited special Schools, Guests, Parents, Staff and Students. The Golden Jubilee Extravaganza began by evoking God’s blessing through a spirit-filled Prayer Service followed by the Principal’s Address. Sr. Mary Madhuja, S.N.D.’s, inspirational speech made each one present there feel proud of their association with the school. A parent representative addressed the gathering and the day progressed witnessing the mesmerising theatrical production of Disney’s - The Lion King. The entire act was divided into three phases CREATION, DECREATION AND RECREATION. The audience was seamlessly transported to Disney World and the Choreographies, costumes, and stage decors bewitched each one. The magnificent spectacle journey rounded up with the grand finale and the Chief Guest’s address. This was followed by the launch of the “Nafiseh Khaleeli Rolling Trophy” by Mr. Zaki Khaleeli and his family through the ZUN Foundation. The programme was a glorious success, it not only enchanted the audience but also brought to the fore the inner talents of the Special Students. The special school is indebted to all those who extended their helping hands to bring forth the play. Children's dayChildren’s Day Assembly The Principals, staff and the members of the PTA join hands to celebrate children’s day in all its grandeur. The Prayer Service was followed by a power packed entertainment and the event ended with the Principal’s address and the rendition of ‘Ina Mina Dika’ as Sophia tradition holds. KalanganaIRC- Information Research Centre and Rotary, Bangalore jointly conducted the 16th year Inter Special School Cultural Fest, called Kalangana. Our students were short-listed and were part of this grand fest. We are thankful to God and are proud that many of our students won prizes and consolation prizes for their active participation. The details about the date and the particular event are as follows: Fancy Dress Competition Five of our students participated in the fancy dress competition and were greatly applauded. Solo/ Group Dance Our students set the stage on fire with fusion choreographies and breathtaking solo performances. They won prizes and consolation medals as well. Solo Vocal and Instrumental/ Music Group ‘Where words fail MUSIC speaks’, it was indeed a great platform for our children to express themselves and win laurels. Art/ Yoga/ Valediction Artistically inclined students were given a chance to express themselves through art and yoga. Two of our staff members attended the valediction ceremony and were also awarded for their dedicated service Mrs.Salome Mathew, a Special Educator and Mrs. Arokyamary, a caregiver. Grateful to our Principal for paving way for such opportunities and thankful to God our Father, who made it possible. |
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